The Bad news: There is so much to do that it can get overwhelming at times. There is also an ever-changing alphabet soup of acronyms, programs, funding, and guidelines. There are also many obstacles, not least of which is figuring out where to start. How do you involve the right people? How can you pay for the work to be done? How can you best tell the story of what you’re doing? And about what you’ve done?

The Good news: We at CEEPartnership are here to help! We have the tools and expertise to guide your organization through benchmarking (determining your current state with regard to sustainability efforts), building your sustainability strategy to include financial and social impacts, and finally through implementation and marketing results. Our team of experienced business leaders and sustainability experts can guide you every step of the way to create and deliver on a fully customizable approach. 

We will help you navigate your way to solutions, integrating projects, contractor management, and financial management to achieve optimal operational, financial, and environmental benefits.

Our Sustainability Navigator Program is an affordable, one-stop solution for energy and sustainability projects.  Contact us at to learn more.

“Creating a better world requires teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration, as we need an entire army of companies to work together to build a better world within the next few decades. This means corporations must embrace the benefits of cooperating together.”   

-Simon Mainwaring


Rhinebeck Sustainability Navigator Program

The Town of Rhinebeck Climate Smart Communities (CSC) resolution was passed in 2010, however implementation was stalled for several years due to uncertainty in how to proceed and of course dealing with the Pandemic. 

Since partnering with CEEP in 2021, many climate smart efforts have been tackled by the town’s CSC. Program Manager, Jamie MacDonald, has worked to keep their sustainability efforts moving forward by connecting the relevant departments and stakeholders as well as creating documentation and organizing the necessary materials for CSC certification. Some of Rhinebeck's climate actions include CCA participation, creating a Climate Vulnerability Assessment, and installing EV charging stations. CSC Certification will give Rhinebeck state recognition for their work, and improved access to state and federal grants.

 The Town of Rhinebeck became a Climate Smart Communities Bronze Certified Community in Fall 2023

“Town of Rhinebeck is committed to advancing our own sustainability and climate-related initiatives, with specific focus on the NYS DEC Climate Smart Communities program, Community Choice Aggregate, and the Hudson Valley Regional Council Climate Action Planning Institute program. We are a small town without staff to help with these initiatives.  We are grateful for the invaluable support, expertise, and good work that we have received from CEEP to achieve successful outcomes for these projects. Our Environmental coordinator from CEEP has just filed for our Bronze CSC Certification! It’s great to have CEEP as a resource.” -Supervisor Elizabeth Spinzia from the Town of Rhinebeck

Peekskill Sustainability Navigator Program

The City of Peekskill Climate Smart Communities (CSC) resolution was passed in 2009. Some of Peekskill's climate actions include converting ~95% of streetlights to LEDs, CCA participation, developing a tree planting program, and installing EV charging stations. These and many other climate smart efforts are headed by Peekskill's CSC task force in partnership with CEEP Program Manager Jamie Macdonald.  

The City of Peekskill became a Climate Smart Communities Bronze Certified Community in Fall 2023

“Jamie MacDonald, our exceptional Sustainability Consultant from the Center for Economic and Environmental Partnership (CEEP), is at the forefront of leading Peekskill's charge towards achieving a Bronze status in New York State’s Climate Smart Communities program that helps local government take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to changing climate. Jamie’s self-driven nature and ability to work independently, as well as in groups, has been invaluable in organizing all the necessary materials for submission. Jamie's remarkable leadership was evident as he spearheaded Peekskill's Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory and Climate Action Plan through a county-wide grant along with 10 other municipalities.  By liaising effectively with the Conservation Advisory Council, Jamie has played a vital role in propelling our sustainability initiatives forward specifically by obtaining Tree City USA designation, initiating the city’s first ever food scraps program and handling the multifaceted submission application for the DEC Urban Community Forestry grant for a city-wide tree inventory and management plan.  We are immensely grateful for Jamie's unwavering dedication to addressing the pressing threat of climate change, charting a path towards a sustainable and environmentally conscious future for the City of Peekskill.” - Elaine Caccoma, Chair  and Lise Prown, Vice-Chair, City of Peekskill, Conservation Advisory Council